The stars, they disappear one by one with daylight, dear and yes, you're in my head but that doesn't make you here.

Age 32, Male

crappy Flash Artist


Adelaide, Australia

Joined on 9/8/06

Exp Points:
5,450 / 5,880
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Vote Power:
6.44 votes
Police Captain
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Nayhan's News

Posted by Nayhan - August 25th, 2010

There are so many things I want to make, but school is really getting in the way.

I'm also thinking of making a proper album, probably of different genres but with similarities between the songs or something else linking them. If anyone has any ideas about what type of songs I should make or they would like me to make then please let me know.

/* */


Posted by Nayhan - March 24th, 2010

Everything has been moved to... COLLAB 101

Comment there in the correct news post and make sure you include information needed and a Examples/ More Info news post.
__________________________ __________________________

Thread - First Page, Last Page

Posted by Nayhan - March 24th, 2010

The Australian Club - First Page, Last Page

. aaronzxcv (QLD)
. Abominablegod (SA)
. Aci6 (NSW)
. AfterFall (SA)
. Aggressive (VIC)
. AimeeL (TAS)
. AlkaSeltzer (?)
. andale524 (VIC)
. axlisbak (SA)
. Awkward-Squid (WA)
. BKerley123 (SA)
. BogKid (WA)
. Boombox277 (QLD)
. Brakkenimation (QLD)
. CanYouHearTheMetal (SA)
. Carbonwater (VIC)
. CheesePieTomato (VIC)
. Chowgood (WA)
. Chluaid (NSW)
. CloudEater (SA)
. Copy-23 (NSW)
. coughing-dog (WA)
. daklah (TAS)
. DeadExile (?)
. digital-musician (QLD)
. Dr34m3r (QLD)
. e-d (NSW)
. Edgelog (QLD)
. Eggy (WA)
. Ex-Poser (QLD)
. Fion (VIC)
. ForrestAnthony (VIC)
. Funkyfists (ACT)
. FurryDemon (SA)
. GameJunkie (SA)
. Gerkinman (?)
. Gorzahg (VIC)
. Greenfrost6 (QLD)
. hania (QLD)
. HandsomeSloth (WA)
. HarraH (SA)
. Hayds510 (SA)
. hikuihito (?)
. HorseManure (WA)
. hudstr06 (?)
. HungarianSupermarket (ACT)
. Innerv1sion (VIC)
. ItsRangasLife (NT)
. JackCurrie (VIC)
. Jamesrahh (QLD)
. JamesLee03 (QLD)
. Jarrydn (WA)
. Jazza (VIC)
. J-Flash (QLD)
. JKAmovies (SA)
. JulianCheese (?)
. KidneyJohn (?)
. KieranNG (NSW)
. Kieran-s (?)
. killaboy69 (QLD)
. krazykangaroo (?)
. Kuoke (NSW)
. liljoey50 (?)
. Lintire (QLD)
. Lochie (VIC)
. lucitemple (NSW)
. Mabusaat (VIC)
. Magyar (VIC)
. Master-Samus (VIC)
. MasterAardvark (TAS)
. maxgrounds (WA)
. McJesus (WA)
. MeaneyProductions (WA)
. Mongoosem (?)
. Musax (NSW)
. Nayhan (SA)
. Nechura (?)
. Nerd-101 (VIC)
. NightBreaker (QLD)
. Noonga (?)
. Oska (QLD)
. PabMo (SA)
. ParadoxVoid (NSW)
. Professor-Fate (?)
. PvtSkittlez (?)
. RamboFox (TAS)
. Reaperssythe (VIC)
. RedSpades (NSW)
. Renegade-Hamster (NSW)
. RubberNinja (WA)
. RubberRoss (WA)
. Sexual-Lobster (?)
. sherockachild22 (?)
. ShortMonkey (VIC)
. SketchySteakandKidneyPie (QLD)
. sushi13 (NSW)
. S1tHSL4y3r (NSW)
. TheBoogley (VIC)
. TheColourAwesome (VIC)
. TheKeyboardGuy (QLD)
. ToxicGlowsticks (QLD)
. Vandal2 (SA)
. walterwagner (VIC)
. wfutb (QLD)
. WhaleSnail (QLD)
. Who-Face (VIC)
. Wynand (QLD)

Aussie Users on list - 108
ACT - 2
NSW - 13
NT - 1
QLD - 23
SA - 14
TAS - 4
VIC - 21
WA - 13
? - 17

If you know where ? people are from please let me know, or try and find out if you don't.

Posted by Nayhan - November 2nd, 2009

Well I met Jessica on Ogoles.com or something were you chat with strangers.
I told her to join NG and showed her my page.
She said she'll think about it...
Then we talked about the zombie apocalypse.
We worked out a way too survive the zombie apocalypse.
Then she stopped replying and eventually disconnected :(

Posted by Nayhan - September 11th, 2009

I am in the middle of making an adventure, platformer, puzzle game.
So far I have only done the main ground hitTests and made it so the character can move and interact with doors & talk to people. I have got the story and most of the what you'll have to do in the game worked out. This is no where near being done but I'm trying to recruit artists early so it can be released as soon as possible.

In the game you must solve puzzles and explore the different towns and areas. The story is that you find a Theatre Organ that is very old and no longer works. You must find out how to fix the different instruments of the organ and get it working again.

The game will be quite big so I am looking for artists/animators to help with:
Simple Character animations (and small animals)
Backgrounds (sky, distant hills, distant buildings)

Graphics are to be made brush tool. Animations brush tool and frame by frame.
You can use the line/penil and tween animations if it is really good.
The backgrounds can be made on any program.
For the characters and building etc. it is much easier if they are made on flash.

I will be getting the game sponsored. Each artist will get a percentage of the profit depending on how much is contributed.

If you can provide anything at all then message or e-mail me and tell me where i can see your work.

e-mail: nathan_abraham012@hotmail.com

Posted by Nayhan - March 30th, 2009

A basic unrefined car enginet. Probably has a few bugs somewhere but it's pretty fun.
Controls = a,d or left & right - turn, w or up - accelerate,
More Controls = s or down - brake, r - reverse, Space - drift

Character's by KamikazePanda.
Controls = awd or Arrow Keys - move, z,x,c or j,k,l - attack, i & o - camera

A turret shooter type thing with scripted particle effects. Simple enemies are just so there's something to shoot. Change between four different turrets -Ignore the link...
Controls: Mouse - aim, A & D - change turret

Must touch all yellow pads before going to the green pad to complete the level. Blue pads are checkpoints they are currently useless because there are no enemies. All levels made with arrays.
Controls = w,a,s,d

Please leave feedback or PM me if anyone is looking for an AS programmer.
note: all examples changed - 9th Nov 2010

Posted by Nayhan - November 6th, 2008