The Australian Club - First Page, Last Page
. aaronzxcv (QLD)
. Abominablegod (SA)
. Aci6 (NSW)
. AfterFall (SA)
. Aggressive (VIC)
. AimeeL (TAS)
. AlkaSeltzer (?)
. andale524 (VIC)
. axlisbak (SA)
. Awkward-Squid (WA)
. BKerley123 (SA)
. BogKid (WA)
. Boombox277 (QLD)
. Brakkenimation (QLD)
. CanYouHearTheMetal (SA)
. Carbonwater (VIC)
. CheesePieTomato (VIC)
. Chowgood (WA)
. Chluaid (NSW)
. CloudEater (SA)
. Copy-23 (NSW)
. coughing-dog (WA)
. daklah (TAS)
. DeadExile (?)
. digital-musician (QLD)
. Dr34m3r (QLD)
. e-d (NSW)
. Edgelog (QLD)
. Eggy (WA)
. Ex-Poser (QLD)
. Fion (VIC)
. ForrestAnthony (VIC)
. Funkyfists (ACT)
. FurryDemon (SA)
. GameJunkie (SA)
. Gerkinman (?)
. Gorzahg (VIC)
. Greenfrost6 (QLD)
. hania (QLD)
. HandsomeSloth (WA)
. HarraH (SA)
. Hayds510 (SA)
. hikuihito (?)
. HorseManure (WA)
. hudstr06 (?)
. HungarianSupermarket (ACT)
. Innerv1sion (VIC)
. ItsRangasLife (NT)
. JackCurrie (VIC)
. Jamesrahh (QLD)
. JamesLee03 (QLD)
. Jarrydn (WA)
. Jazza (VIC)
. J-Flash (QLD)
. JKAmovies (SA)
. JulianCheese (?)
. KidneyJohn (?)
. KieranNG (NSW)
. Kieran-s (?)
. killaboy69 (QLD)
. krazykangaroo (?)
. Kuoke (NSW)
. liljoey50 (?)
. Lintire (QLD)
. Lochie (VIC)
. lucitemple (NSW)
. Mabusaat (VIC)
. Magyar (VIC)
. Master-Samus (VIC)
. MasterAardvark (TAS)
. maxgrounds (WA)
. McJesus (WA)
. MeaneyProductions (WA)
. Mongoosem (?)
. Musax (NSW)
. Nayhan (SA)
. Nechura (?)
. Nerd-101 (VIC)
. NightBreaker (QLD)
. Noonga (?)
. Oska (QLD)
. PabMo (SA)
. ParadoxVoid (NSW)
. Professor-Fate (?)
. PvtSkittlez (?)
. RamboFox (TAS)
. Reaperssythe (VIC)
. RedSpades (NSW)
. Renegade-Hamster (NSW)
. RubberNinja (WA)
. RubberRoss (WA)
. Sexual-Lobster (?)
. sherockachild22 (?)
. ShortMonkey (VIC)
. Sketchy / SteakandKidneyPie (QLD)
. sushi13 (NSW)
. S1tHSL4y3r (NSW)
. TheBoogley (VIC)
. TheColourAwesome (VIC)
. TheKeyboardGuy (QLD)
. ToxicGlowsticks (QLD)
. Vandal2 (SA)
. walterwagner (VIC)
. wfutb (QLD)
. WhaleSnail (QLD)
. Who-Face (VIC)
. Wynand (QLD)
Aussie Users on list - 108
ACT - 2
NSW - 13
NT - 1
QLD - 23
SA - 14
TAS - 4
VIC - 21
WA - 13
? - 17
If you know where ? people are from please let me know, or try and find out if you don't.
Aweso ;)